About Us

uniKEprocess is brand registered in 1990,we are multidisciplinary team of accounting, tax and audit professionals with in-depth, sector-specific experience in various reputed companies. We offer a range of services to meet the complex and evolving accounting, tax and compliance challenges that you face on multiple fronts.

We are group of 255+ Chartered Accountants working together as big chain with the aim of providing A to Z accounting and financial services to individuals,companies throughout India with efficient service along with Careful suggestions and leading the clients for experiencing better accounting.

We provide unique experience to our clients in every service without compromise about quality.In our team we have experts with experience of 31 years,which is reason for solution to all type of problems faced by our clients.We have seen lot of professionals using fear of innocent people and making money,this is main reason you get all small services from us with great quality,less money and unbeatable support.

We are group of Chartered Accountants,Company Secretaries,Cost Accountants having expert knowledge on

  • Individual Income Tax Returns
  • Income Tax Issues
  • GST
  • Tax Audit
  • Internal Audit
  • Financial and Tax Planning
  • Investment Advice
  • Accounting
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Mission of our firm is to provide clients with the ONE STOP SOLUTION for all their businesses, financial and regulatory requirement.

Our aim is to make everyone free from their tax,accounting problems and make our contribution in building knowledgeable society.

Client Testimonials

Shiva Kumar

“tremendously as it has saved me from referring to IT books, asking friends or anybody else. it has made me completely self-reliant. I had recommended this to my brother-in-law and I have also filed it (tax return) for my wife through this.”


“Tax filing has become a dream-come-true easy now. Earlier it was nightmare. unikeprocess has made the process a cakewalk. Way to go. Keep it up.”

Ankit agarwal

“Helped me file the return of my entire family including grandparents, parents, brother, spouse and myself.”